Tag Archives: soup

Laurie’s Roasted Carrot Ginger Soup

Hey Folks!  Today’s post is written by Laurie Sadowski from Whisking & Running (and Running)!  Thanks so much for your contributions this month, Laurie! ****** I don’t know about you, but it sure is getting chilly where I’m from. It’s that transitional three or four weeks where it isn’t too cold yet (still hovering around [...]

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Tuesday Linkage

thai, tabasco, fish and habanero peppers

This week we’re here to spread some summery links. Stay cool, everyone – and enjoy! Kris whips up a Gluten-Free Short­cake with Coconut Cream to make summer that much more awesome! Harini of Tongue Ticklers makes the loveliest looking Thin Crust Cherry Tart. Leanna brings us more berry goodness with these Berry Pastry Jam Rolls [...]

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